PRO Wellness

PRO Wellness provides assistance to employees to develop, improve, and maintain the best possible level of personal health and overall wellness.

Wellness is a win-win endeavor for employees and employers. Employees benefit because they are healthier and generally happier overall. Employers benefit because healthy employees
are more productive (less sick time) and more loyal so retention is higher.

The benefits of a Wellness Program affect employees beyond their workplace. Wellness impacts peoples’ lives as a whole; physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual.

PRO Wellness team offers services that can be customized from the following options:

    • Health Risk Assessment
    • Weight Control
    • Food Portions
    • Walking Programs
    • Body Mass Index (BMI)
    • Heart Rate
    • Blood Pressure
    • Lipid Profile
    • Other Options Approved In Customized Programs


Have A Question? Let's Talk. 800.776.4671
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