Payroll Administration

Just a call per pay period to a PRO Resources Payroll Specialist will free your company from the time-consuming drudgery of payroll management.

Your payroll is handled by experts with total accuracy, efficiency
and confidentiality.

   • Process Payroll Checks And Direct Deposits
   • Deposit Federal Withholding Tax Liabilities
   • Deposit State Withholding Tax Liabilities
   • Create Journals And Summaries
   • File 941 And 940 Forms
   • File State Unemployment Tax Returns
   • File And Mail W-2’s And Filing The W-3
   • Process Garnishments For Child Support, Etc.
   • Provide Detailed Payroll Reports
   • Job Costing Reports
   • Certified Payroll Reports
   • Answer Employee Inquiries
   • Eliminate IRS And State Payroll Tax Audits
   • Reduce Paperwork And Overhead
   • Respond To Employment & Wage Verifications
   • Maintain & Store Employee Records And Files

Have A Question? Let's Talk. 800.776.4671
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